Moonseed Ragdolls

Moonseed Ragdolls

Through selective breeding and showing we intend to preserve and promote the iconic traits that make the Ragdoll the ideal feline companion. We value health, temperament, and maintaining the breed standard (in that order)
Our primary breeding focus, at this time, is locking in and maintaining the iconic Ragdoll temperament & a securing healthy lineage of future Ragdoll cats...

Ethical Breeding
What is an ethical breeder?
In our own opinion, an ethical breeder is one that takes responsibility for the safety, health, and long term well-being of every cat & kitten in their program. This includes adequate living conditions, health care protocol, adopter screening and education. This also includes spaying & neutering all kittens before they leave the cattery, as well as retired breeding cats...

Our Cats
Our gorgeous breeding cats carry diverse pedigrees which include parentage of champion and traditional lines. One of our foundation sires, "Day Tripper" has championed in CFA, TICA, CFF, and was voted "cream of the crop" by Ragdoll Fancier's World Wide.
Our current sire, TICA champion USAPurrs Hawthorn, has a selective pedigree (no outcrossing) that can be traced back to the original cats owned by Ann Baker. We love the large body type of the Ragdoll paired with the signature "floppy" and "puppy-like" nature...

I appreciate your interest in adopting one of my kittens. I kindly ask that you read through the adoption information tab first. If you are ready to adopt a MoonSeed kitten, please fill out the Adopter Application Form found at the bottom of the home page, then place a deposit of $450 to join our waitlist.